The term “legacy-driven” was coined in the early 2000s, when the idea of having your own business was becoming more popular. The term refers to someone who is focused on building their business so that it can be passed on to their children or other family members, but it also applies to anyone who wants to create something that will outlive them. You’ve probably heard the saying, “If you build it, they will come.” It’s happened before: someone has an idea that seems brilliant and exciting, but no one is around to see it. They work hard on their creation, but they can’t get anyone’s attention. Eventually they give up and move on to something else. But what if there were a way to make sure that never happened? What if there was a way you could ensure that your ideas were always seen by the right people at the right time?
It’s easy to think about legacy as something that only applies to people who are leaving behind or passing on legacies themselves. Legacy is about family, about children growing up and knowing their parents’ stories. But what if we applied it to our businesses? What would happen if we made sure that what we built out here in this world wouldn’t just last—but would be seen by those who need it most? It’s already happening: there are so many examples of people who have created businesses with these goals in mind—and they’re thriving! It doesn’t matter if you’re a writer or an artist or a designer or an entrepreneur. So, let’s talk about how a legacy-driven mindset can benefit your business, and how it can help you build a better future for the next generation.
When it comes to business, a legacy-driven mindset is one that is dedicated to a long-term vision of success, growth, and impact. It’s not just about making a profit, but also about creating something that will last beyond your own time on the planet. A legacy-driven mindset can help you:
Keep your business focused on the future. A legacy-driven mindset means you're always thinking about what's next for your business—and that means you'll be less likely to get stuck in the past or present.
Embrace change. When you’re looking forward to seeing what’s coming next for your business, it’s easier to be open and flexible about changes that come along in the meantime. You’ll be able to adapt more quickly, which will ensure your company remains competitive and relevant as time goes on and trends shift around it.
Be more innovative with how you run things. A legacy-driven mindset means you’re always looking for ways to do things better than before—and that means constantly pushing yourself out of your comfort zone and trying new things!
"Create stronger relationships within your team because everyone knows exactly what they're working towards together as a group rather than individuals trying to achieve different goals separately without any direction from above or down below".
Legacy-driven people are driven by a desire to do work that matters and make an impact on the world. They want to leave behind something they can be proud of, whether it takes the form of a business, a non-profit organisation, or even just a great piece of art. In conclusion, a legacy-driven mindset allows us to see ourselves as part of something larger than ourselves—we are part of a community, we are part of an organisation, we are part of a country and a world that needs us to do our best work so that others may prosper too.